After JAIS Raid, Food Factory in Puchong caught using fake Halal logo without Permission.

In Malaysia, all the foods and drinks produced are categorized as either Halal or Non-Halal which by any means if the factory want to get the Halal certified on the packaging, they must go through JAKIM (Selangor Islamic Religious Department) training and consultancy. It is crucial that the food company indicate this Halal logo on their packaging.

However, there is still a factory who did not want to follow the rules. A snack food packaging factory from Puchong was recently caught red-handed by the Selangor Islam Religious Department (JAIS) as they were suspected to be using the halal label without permission from JAKIM.

Principal Asisstant Director of Halal Management Division in JAIS said that JAIS had received many complaints from the public as they did not trust the halal status of the snack food packaged by the company. Worry about what’s inside you food? latest technologies and reliable testing solution with improved efficiency in assessment of Halal food integrity.

Learn more about Porcine Trace Rapid Test Kit here:

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1) NST Press. Food Factory in Puchong Caught Using Fake Halal Logo Without Permission After JAIS Raid. Accessed 7th August 2018.

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